About Stipendium
Hungaricum scholarship
Stipendium Hungaricum, the Hungarian Government’s most prestigious higher education scholarship programme, offers a wide range of courses for high-achieving international students with an excellent academic track record. The scholarship aims to support the internationalisation of Hungarian higher education and its constant development, strengthen the international relations of the academic and research community, and promote the good reputation and competitiveness of Hungarian higher education worldwide.
The programme, founded by the Hungarian Government in 2013, is supervised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and managed by the Tempus Public Foundation.
It is based on bilateral education agreements between Hungary and the governments of the sending countries. It is available on five continents in over 90 countries, attracting tens of thousands of international students each year. Applicants are offered around 800 full degree programmes, covering all higher education fields at all degree levels, including part-time and doctoral programmes.
The fact that over 93% of our scholarship holders would choose Hungary again is a testament to the programme’s quality and motivates us to further expand the scope of the scholarship in the future.

Mission of the Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship programme
Mission of the Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship programme
The Hungarian Government established the Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship programme to promote the internationalisation of Hungarian higher education and to attract top international students from all around the world who can establish personal and professional links to Hungary while enjoying high-quality education in the heart of Europe.
When our graduates return to their home countries with marketable skills and knowledge, they can build social, political and economic relationships, thus contributing to extending and deepening cooperation between Hungary and their home countries.

Provisions Covered by the Scholarship
Provisions Covered by the Scholarship
Bachelor’s, master’s, one-tier master’s and non-degree programmes
- Tuition-free education – exemption from the payment of tuition fee
- Monthly stipend – non-degree, bachelor’s, master’s and one-tier master’s level: monthly amount of HUF 43,700 (cca EUR 110) contribution to the living expenses in Hungary, for 12 months a year, until the completion of studies
- Accommodation contribution – free dormitory place or a contribution of HUF 40,000/month (cca EUR 100) to accommodation costs for the whole duration of the scholarship period (Please note that if the student does not live in the dormitory, the HUF 40,000/month is a contribution to that rental costs, and in bigger cities – especially in the capital city – this contribution would not cover the full amount of rental costs.)
- Medical insurance – health care services according to the relevant Hungarian legislation (Act CXXII of 2019 on Entitlements to Social Security Benefits and Funding These Services) and supplementary medical insurance for up to HUF 65,000 (cca EUR 160) a year/person
Doctoral programmes
- Tuition-free education – exemption from the payment of tuition fee
- Monthly stipend – doctoral level: according to the current Hungarian legislation, the monthly amount of scholarship is HUF 140,000 (cca EUR 350 for the first phase of education (4 semesters) and HUF 180,000 (cca EUR 450) for the second phase (4 semesters) – for 12 months a year, until completion of studies.
- Accommodation contribution – free dormitory place or a contribution of HUF 40,000/month (cca EUR 100) to accommodation costs for the whole duration of the scholarship period (Please note that if the student does not live in the dormitory, then the HUF 40,000/month is a contribution to that rental costs, and in bigger cities – especially in the capital city – this contribution would not cover the full amount of rental costs.)
- Medical insurance – health care services according to the relevant Hungarian legislation (Act CXXII of 2019 on Entitlements to Social Security Benefits and Funding These Services) and supplementary medical insurance for up to HUF 65,000 (cca EUR 160) a year/person
Please bear in mind that these provisions are only a contribution to the living expenses of the Scholarship Holders.
It means that it does not fully cover all the costs of living and the students need to add their own financial resources in order to cover all living expenses in Hungary. All applicants are highly advised to check the expected living expenses both in Hungary and in the city that they wish to live in before applying; please do check our Cost of Living Calculator by clicking here: http://www.studyinhungary.hu/living-in-hungary/menu/your-costs-of-living.html
The HUF/EUR exchange rate used above is of 11th October 2024.
We are proud of the achievements of the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Programme, and the fact that more and more talented young students choose our country year by year to broaden their horizons.

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