Author: Manish Kumar, International Alumni Volunteer
The Award of Excellence is given to those Scholarship Holders who have achieved the most outstanding academic performance and contributed to the development of the Stipendium Hungaricum community. The award was presented by Miklós Lengyel, Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Check out our interview with Tawani from South-Africa!
What made you chose Hungary? What are your impressions so far?
While looking for study options in the wildlife sector, I was told about a mailing list through which I could find international study opportunities. I did some research on the available options and saw that Hungary offers a wildlife management course. It was the only option on the emailing list that interested me, so I applied and was thrilled when I was accepted. I have found Hungarians to be kind and very helpful wherever they can be.

What do you think about your university and your study program?
I love that the Gödöllõ campus is practically located in the woods. My program has provided me with many opportunities to travel to different parts of the country as well as to other countries – during my practice semesters I went to Croatia and Italy for study purposes – and to see and interact with various agricultural businesses as well as companies working in conservation and hunting. The professors of the Wildlife department have been invaluable to my success. They are responsive and helpful and they really wanted to see us all succeed.
How did the SH scholarship contribute to improve your professional and/or personal skills?
On a personal level, I have become a more understanding, open-minded friend. Professionally, my leadership skills have evolved, and I have become a better communicator (both in public speaking and in personal conversations as well as in writing). Also I have been able to build a strong network of professionals in my own and related fields, all of which are located in different parts of the world, giving me the possibility to work with peers on projects that could have a wider range of effect.

What are your future plans/goals? How can SH help you to achieve them?
I have a passion for marine life and its surroundings. I am hoping to attain a master’s degree in coastal and marine conservation. Stipendium Hungaricum has already given me so many opportunities to kick start my career by offering me the scholarship I am currently completing, as well as by helping me get some experience in the field through an Erasmus Internship that will take place in Romania after my studies. I am incredibly grateful for all the support I have received through this scholarship, and I look forward to putting my knowledge and skills to good use in the near future.
What would you advise for those who are planning to apply for the SH scholarship?
My advice for those considering an application to this scholarship is to read up on the university you are hoping to study at, visit their website and Facebook page, read reviews or ask previous students about their experiences, but mostly I would suggest reaching out to the international registrar’s office at your university as well as the coordinator of your course, as I have found the staff at my university to be extremely helpful and exceptionally kind. There are so many people here ready and willing to help you with any information, so reach out to them.