Study Finder


If you want to see the results for the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Programme, please select the option „available” in the „Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Programme” field.

Applicants for the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Programme are eligible to apply only for those study fields which are determined in the educational cooperation programmes in effect between Hungary and the specific Sending Partner. To check the available study fields in your country click HERE.

Host Institutions and Institutional Programme Coordinators

On these levels, 30 Hungarian higher education institutions are engaged in the Stipendium Hungaricum Programme for the 2024/2025 academic year with more than 800 study programmes in foreign languages (taught mainly in English language). Study programmes are generally available in the English and Hungarian languages, with some programmes offered in German, French or other foreign languages as well.

The available study programmes and host institutions are accessible in the online application system.

Institutional Stipendium Hungaricum Coordinators

University Name of SH coordinator Email address Phone number
Budapest Business University

Ms Denissza Blanár

+36 1 469 6600/6633

Budapest Business University

Ms Mariann Szőnyi

+36 1 469 6600

Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Dénes Oross

+36 1 463 2279

Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Dr László Gergely Vigh

+36 1 463 2277

Corvinus University of Budapest

Novák Henrietta

+36 1 482 5259

Corvinus University of Budapest


Corvinus University of Budapest


Corvinus University of Budapest

PhD applicants and students:

Eötvös József College

Mr Andor Pajrok

+36 70 659 1563

Eötvös József College

Ms Gyöngyi Végel

+36 30 384 3939

Eötvös Loránd University

Ms Luca Lafferton

+36 1 411 6500/4279

Eötvös Loránd University

Ms Lilla Karácsonyi

+36 1 411 6500/4285

Eszterházy Károly Catholic University

Ms Anita Molnár

+36 36 520 427

Hungarian Dance University

Ms Csilla Sebők

+ 36 1 273 3440

Hungarian Dance University

+36 20 513 9653

Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Science

Ms Csilla Kánai

+36 28 522 000/1014

Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Science

Ms Zsuzsanna Tassy

+36 28 522 000/1014

Hungarian University of Fine Arts

Réka Tóth-Dolenszky

+ 36 30 267 3543

Hungarian University of Sports Science

Rab Tímea (PhD studies)

+36 70 378 6832

Hungarian University of Sports Science

Gábor Csele (BSc/MSc studies)

+36 70 668 1436

John Von Neumann University

Ms. Gréta Gróf

+36 76 501 992

John Wesley Theological College

Ms Judit Turzó

+36 30 620 9749

John Wesley Theological College

Ms Lilla Strobel

+36 30 925 1906

Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary

Ms Zita Édelmajer

+ 36 1 455 9060 /121

Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music

Ms Lilla Ocsenás

+36 1 462 4616

Ludovika University of Public Service

Ms Éva Dudás

+36 1 432 9000/20496

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Ms Daniella Voros

+36 1 800 9482

Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design

Ms Katalin Gelencsér

+36 30 146 4389

Óbuda University

Ms Melinda Tamás

+36 1 666 5615

Pázmány Péter Catholic University

Mr Tamás Hógenburg

+36 70 399 4523

Pázmány Péter Catholic University

Ms Ágnes Csimma

+36 1 886 4706

Semmelweis University

Mrs Nóra Schreiberné Seres

+36 1 459 1500/56377

Széchenyi István University

Ms Nikolett Bartha

+36 96 503 419

Széchenyi István University

Ms Süveges Kata

+36 96 503 418

University of Debrecen

Ms Mária Tóth

+36 52 512 900/58046

University of Debrecen

Ms Annamária Rácz

+36 52 512 900/62416

University of Debrecen

Ms Anna Lilla Almási-Fónai

+36 52 512 900/58048

University of Dunaújváros

Ms Mária Kerékgyártó

+36 30 396 1975

University of Dunaújváros

Ms Evelin Szloboda

+36 30 396 1975

University of Miskolc

Ms Henriett Tóth

+36 46 565 111/2077

University of Miskolc

Mrs Katalin Csiréné Gergely

+36 46 565 111/1009

University of Nyíregyháza

Anita Leitnerné Kiss

+36 20 918 5475

University of Nyíregyháza

Mr László Zsitnyár

+36 30 676 1083

University of Nyíregyháza

Éva Nagy

University of Pannonia

Ms Dóra Melich

+36 88 624-000/6331

University of Pécs

Mr Áron Bánáti

+36 72 501 500/12422

University of Pécs

Ms Sára Novák

+36 72 501 500/18525

University of Sopron

Ms Barbara Lakatos

University of Sopron

Ms Vera Tolvaj

University of Szeged

Mrs Leona Kovacs-Jerney

+36 62 343 763

University of Szeged

Ms Annamária Szécsi

+36 62 343 884

University of Veterinary Medicine

Julianna Pókay

+36 1 478 4100/8083