The Stipendium Hungaricum Welcome Event was organized on 23 November 2022. Freshmen were welcomed with encouraging and welcoming words from Miklós Lengyel, Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, who officially opened the event.

After the speech, he presented the Award of Excellence for those Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship holders who have achieved outstanding academic performance and contributed the most to the development of the Stipendium Hungaricum community. After the lunch break, the students were assigned to groups and had the chance to participate in a guided tour in the heart of Budapest to meet the most important landmarks of the capital in person and had an intercultural workshop where they could enhance their personal and professional skills.
During the event, freshmen could have the chance to meet the international volunteers of Alumni Network Hungary too. During the lunch break and the guided tours, they could have the opportunity to network with each other. Read more about their short summary of the event below!

Ayaz Shaikh
As always, Tempus Public Foundation is good at organizing great events. It was a splendid and huge gathering of international students from around the world studying at different Hungarian universities. The enthusiasm and fire of achieving something big could be seen in the eyes of the awardees while receiving the Awards of Excellence. I was glad to meet core officers from Tempus, who work behind the curtains. Especially the words enlightened by the Deputy State Secretary were applauded by all participants, alumni, and officers. It feels great to be a part of such a magnificent community that represents excellence in higher education around the globe.
Anna Brjezovskaia
Being a part of the Stipendium Hungaricum Welcome event allowed me to interact with many bright and ambitious students from diverse cultures. It was really fascinating to experience the event from the viewpoints of both an Alumni Volunteer and an Excellence Award Winner. The most exciting part was when I helped as an interview moderator while conducting video interviews with other excellence award recipients. During the shoot, I could learn about their perspectives on the program and their studies in Hungary. I want to emphasize how important these events are for strengthening the community of international students in Hungary, and I appreciate the work that the Tempus Public Foundation does in that area.
Sarkhel Hawre Mohammed
Indeed, the SH welcome event gave the newcomers and alumni a spiritual environment and encouragement during their journey in Hungary. As an alumni volunteer, it was my honour to participate in this great event to meet other alumni and newcomers. It led to such a feeling of broadening our culture and ethical horizon for being an international family member in Hungary. The award winners had a great part during the event because they motivate all of us to work harder and do our best in what we are doing now at different Hungarian universities.
Beier Liu
Benefiting from a series mixture of solemn speeches and delightful greetings from Tempus Public Foundation and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary, a crowd of diverse youthful souls agglomerates into a roomful of determined cooperative fellows, learning more about the Alumni Network Hungary. Seamlessly organized cultural workshops and city tours broaden the horizon of attachment-seeking eyes and knowledge-keen ears, while the legs step toward a new chapter of life. This was not just a welcome event, this is a prelude of sustainable peace and development.
We would like to thank all guests and participants to make this event so unique and memorable, and we wish all the new Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship holders to have a wonderful time and study experience in Hungary.