Camila Miranda

March 20th, 2020

Camila Miranda

March 20th, 2020

My name is Camila Miranda, I'm Brazilian and I'm 26. I'm doing a Ph.D. in neuroscience at the Anatomy department of the University of Debrecen. I arrived in Debrecen in September of 2018.

About me

My name is Camila Miranda, I’m Brazilian and I’m 26. I’m doing a Ph.D. in neuroscience at the Anatomy department of the University of Debrecen. I arrived in Debrecen in September of 2018. I have been a mentor since last August and I really enjoy meeting new people and being able to help them with this new step in their lives. Also, it is great to participate in this multicultural network, socialize and get more knowledge in general.

This program is a really nice opportunity to live a new experience in a new country with a different culture. And talking about my research area, Hungary has a nice academic environment with great professors and laboratories, also there is a good international community, besides the amazing culture and beautiful places.

I had a good experience with my mentor during my first year here, so I was encouraged to participate in it and help the people that were coming.

It is both challenging and exciting to meet new people and their doubts about their new life here.

Which part of mentoring do I enjoy the most? Meeting new people. One of my best memories as a mentor was during the first meeting with my mentees, we went to a cafe and had a great time together.

When you are starting a new step of your life in a completely different country it is always helpful to have someone trustful to count.